Module Utp

module Utp: sig .. end
Low-level bindings for libutp.

These are hard to use directly. As such they are not documented. Please see Utp_lwt for a higher-level interface to Lwt.

type context 
type socket 
type buffer = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t 
type error = 
val init : unit -> context
val set_debug : context -> bool -> unit
val create_socket : context -> socket
val connect : socket -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit
val write : socket -> buffer -> int -> int -> int
val close : socket -> unit
val process_udp : context -> Unix.sockaddr -> buffer -> int -> int -> bool
val check_timeouts : context -> unit
val issue_deferred_acks : context -> unit
val get_context : socket -> context
val destroy : context -> unit