module Utp_lwt: sig
.. end
bindings to libutp
The type of UTP sockets.
The type of UTP contexts. A UTP context corresponds one-to-one to
underlying UDP sockets. A context may spawn any number of sockets.
val init : Unix.sockaddr -> context
init addr
create a context and binds it to addr
val connect : context -> Unix.sockaddr -> socket Lwt.t
connect ctx addr
connects to addr
and returns the resulting connected
val accept : context -> (Unix.sockaddr * socket) Lwt.t
accept ctx
waits for an incoming connection and, on receipt, returns the
connected socket and the source address.
val read : socket -> bytes Lwt.t
read sock
returns the next chunk of data read from sock
val write : socket -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit Lwt.t
write sock buf off len
writes bytes from buf
between off
and off+len
to sock
val close : socket -> unit Lwt.t
close sock
closes sock
val destroy : context -> unit Lwt.t
destroy ctx
signals that the context ctx
is no longer useful. It will
be destroyed once all dependant sockets are closed.