A | |
accept [Utp_lwt] | accept ctx waits for an incoming connection and, on receipt, returns the
connected socket and the source address.
C | |
check_timeouts [Utp] | |
close [Utp_lwt] | close sock closes sock .
close [Utp] | |
connect [Utp_lwt] | connect ctx addr connects to addr and returns the resulting connected
connect [Utp] | |
create_socket [Utp] | |
D | |
destroy [Utp_lwt] | destroy ctx signals that the context ctx is no longer useful.
destroy [Utp] | |
G | |
get_context [Utp] | |
I | |
init [Utp_lwt] | init addr create a context and binds it to addr .
init [Utp] | |
issue_deferred_acks [Utp] | |
P | |
process_udp [Utp] | |
R | |
read [Utp_lwt] | read sock returns the next chunk of data read from sock .
S | |
set_debug [Utp] | |
W | |
write [Utp_lwt] | write sock buf off len writes bytes from buf between off and off+len
to sock .
write [Utp] |